Las Reliquias de Tolti Aph

An interactive fiction by Graham Nelson (2005) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 2(c) - Báculos, pociones de fuerza y pergaminos

After examining something made of madera imbuida de magia, say "Si llevas [the noun], se reducen en 2 puntos el costo de vida de cualquier hechizo."

After printing the name of something made of madera imbuida de magia while taking inventory: say " (imbuido en magia)".

To decide which number is the strength cost of (incantation - a spell) to (wizard - a person):
    let the damage be the cost of the incantation;
    if the wizard is carrying something made of madera imbuida de magia, decrease the damage by 2;
    if the damage is less than zero, let the damage be zero;
    decide on the damage.[1]

A strength potion is a kind of thing. A strength potion has a die roll called additional strength. Instead of examining a strength potion, say "[The noun] es una poción de vida que suma [additional strength]." A strength potion is usually sustento.

Instead of eating or drinking a strength potion:
    remove the noun from play;
    say "Te tomas [the noun], ganando ";
    let the extra be the roll of the additional strength of the noun;
    increase the strength of the player by the extra;
    if the strength of the player is greater than the permanent strength of the player
        change the strength of the player to the permanent strength of the player;
        say " - más de lo que necesitas para conseguir la máxima puntuación de vida.";
    end if;
    say " puntos de vida."

A scroll is a kind of thing. A scroll has a spell called the inscribed spell. A scroll is papel. The description of a scroll is "Tras observarlo con cuidado, te das cuenta que [the item described] está escrito con las runas del hechizo [italic type][inscribed spell][roman type]." After printing the name of a scroll while taking inventory: say " (conteniendo el hechizo [italic type][inscribed spell][roman type])".[2]


[1]. Esta frase calcula la el coste de fuerza actual para cierta persona al lanzar un hechizo dado, como podemos ver este costo es reducido si esa persona porta una "vara mágica".

[2]. Los pergaminos son el objeto de deseo del jugador, ya que portan hechizos para ser memorizados y añadidos al repertorio actual del jugador.